The stuff in the attic is coming down to be sorted. The word "random" rules the days.
There is always room for one more thing.
This is probably around 1915. They did some canal building and bridges; also railroads. See more on the history pages.
This is from a collection of photos left by Doug's step-grandfather. They had sawmill, farm, and orchard shortly before WWI.
Our treasured old photo is still fun; the charming little boy has grown into a strapping science wrangler.
Can't wait to get up it up to the river; and give the ticks a snack.
A booklet scanned from our archives. The Canadian government was giving away the First Nations' western lands to eager settlers. They proudly claimed that the First Nations people, and halfbreeds, were all safely put away on reservations. Download the whole 65 meg. booklet for all the details.